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Create a statement entrance with beautifully crafted Modern Aluminium Door from glasshousearchitecture.co.uks


A stunning front door is the one place at home that makes a real statement

Beautiful Front Doors


Beautiful Front Doors

Innovative and award-winning entry doors that attract the attention of both owners and visitors. With elegantly hidden handles, hidden fingerprint reader, magic night illumination and beautiful handmade smooth surfaces, each door is a masterpiece for itself.


Only the perfect is good enough, these luxury exterior doors are handmade, sublimely shaped and flawlessly constructed with carefully selected high valuable materials, workmanship precision and experience of artisan masters in every detail.

Portfolio Front Doors


Portfolio Front Doors




Welcome to your journey of transforming your new home with a Statement Front Door Our focus is on ensuring timelessness and versatility right from the design stage. During our initial consultation, we’ll take time to understand your vision and assess your property to address any limitations early on.


Our expert designers will craft a stunning detailed design featuring stunning photorealistic imagery, so you can truly envision the possibilities. We’re committed to exceeding your expectations and demonstrating the incredible value your investment that a beautiful front door will bring to your home.

It doesn't end there, if you require planning our in-house consultant will take the plans through the application, gaining listed buildings or conservation consent and taking the pain out of the process.


Then, drawing upon your own ideas and inspiration, our team of apprentice-trained craftsmen will bring the design to life. No standard or modular components are used in the construction of our aluminium entrance doors, ensuring that each creation remains unquestionably one-of-a-kind.


Stunning Front Door from the inside

We provide a truly bespoke service


At Glass House Architecture, we define a luxury modern entrance door by the perfect blend of craftsmanship and high-quality materials. Our aluminium front doors are not just a nice addition; they are a testament to the artistry and dedication of our team at every design stage


We prioritize a personal approach, allowing you to be as involved as you desire in creating a bespoke contemporary front door. Experience the passion and commitment of our designers as they work closely with you to bring your vision to life.


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